I'm in a domestic partnership with someone who doesn't want to share their relationship status on Facebook because they're afraid of their public image or something asinine like that. I don't want to sound cynical but it's kind of how people see me. I'm not sarcastic though. It bugs me when people are sarcastic.
I'm becoming more and more attached to my job and so i'm becoming more attached to the idea of staying in town longer than I'd considerably want to. This new relationship isn't quite helping that. Oh god but I love her and want to live with a lover for once. Yes, it'll be new. Duh. But then how long does it go on? I'll become attached. She'll become attached at the thought of me being attached (because she's needier probably) and THEN WHAT?!Repin's art is what fascinates me the most oh wait heeeeeere's Ivanov!

okay that's enough for now
drama involving the people i support. i want to leave in a month in good standing so i can use my savings to fly to cappadocia in central formerly known as Anatolia (stolen from Armenian kingdom)" to ride motorcycles in the plains or even a mule or camel, but there's only one month left for me to say my goodbyes. the month is the amount of time i have to give to leave in good standing, so it'll be about hwo the relationship with the people i support is coming to an end, how they come to terms with, or, ultimately, why i can't leave them, and leave the people i love here? its like i need to live it in order to write it. it's a fantasy but i want to see it on paper. write the story you want to read. but i don't want to fake pathos.