My father is trying to sort things out with the homeowner's insurance people. He pissed me off earlier today because it sounds like he's taking their original, lowball offer like a piece of candy. I don't think he's assertive at all, bothers to fight it, or is even capable of arguing for the truth. They say the stuff is worth $1000, but the police report clearly says $1800. Sure, anything would be nice, but if my father has to make these business decisions for me, I want him to at least vouch for me, and do what's right, rather than being pressured into whatever the insurance company can spare. He said he's going to explain that my shit is worth much more, and I can only hope that he'll do a decent job. It pisses me off that he didn't even question the original value when he had a copy of the police report right in front of him. And I haven't heard anything from the detectives yet.
I don't even know if or what or how I should tell my coworkers. I would only tell one or two people max if they wonder why I'm so fucking stressed out. I don't want people to pity me. If I tell people that my house was robbed and that I lost a lot of my major electronics, they'll judge me. They'll assume, oh, he probably lives in a crappy neighborhood. And why? Probably because his family is poor. You see...I wish it wasn't this way, but this is how people think, whether they like it or not, and whether they choose to or not, its just the way we think.
So, for now, this will be my cross to bare.
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