Okay so for the chive farmer and his son we can show that thing that demonstrates values at play with simple dialogue that has nothing to do with the scene but about the character
the father will be struggling something doing the same thing over and over again because he is traditional
the son will offer a solution that may not work but is something new because he is conventional and enterprising
so father talks oh shit Son I need your help (whats an example of something he needs help with?) sending an email? how do i send this email attachment i've clicked this button all the time that says add attachment over and over again
son says dad you need to click Browse (solution) for the file you actually wnt to attach (explanation)
have you even considered looking around the screen for a menu of some sort? (attack)
yes I have tried says the dad (defense) and no i didnt quite see the answer (passive response)
son says jeez dad we've been over this before (grumpy) its pretty simple, the browse box appears right after you click "attach" (explanation)
dad says its not my fault, the computer was making funny noises! (defense and displacement of problem) [beat] have you heard back from Cheryl?
I might have, if you weren't listening to my voicemail again...(passive aggressive almost)
dad retorts (aggressive) I would never do that! if i can't even send an email attachment how do you expect me to figure out your god damn cell phone? (anger)
well says the son perhaps you conscripted the help of an outside source (accusational) and you two were laughing about what a fruity juicy voicemail she sent me!
who would do that? there's marty and there's me. you're out of your mind. besides, that means you did hear back from her.
did you hear back from Ben about the case?
i might have, says the dad (playful) [we need to tone down how paranoid the son sounds]
son laughs well come on! (happy)
no i haven't, says the dad, but let me remind you again, don't you do anything with her until we find out what's really going on with her. (instructional) what would your friends think if they found out you were messing around with one of your relatives! [accusational]
we haven't messed around and we're not going to! [defense] and who would you be to talk if i made such a mistake? would my own father talk about my engagements?
i saw the way you guys were laughing about the sounds the printer was making. its lovers who are most likely to chatter about the most nonsensical things. it allows them an opening out of nothing. that's how it was when i met your mother. (factoid?) we were cracking up about the way the dog walked around with wet paws. it's almost like we were grasping at straws except it was effortless. but its only the littlest things that people who are in love would comment on. (nostalgic) or maybe people who are drinking or
-or people who don't want to listen to old men ramble about the past, retorted the son (popping memory bubble). [beat] tell me the truth about the investigator! (changing subject, moving on)
i haven't heard anything! take your time. if you really like her you should avoid her. (instructional) if you fall for her and we hear some news about the family i wouldn't know what to think.
what difference is it to you? and besides, what if this happened in days before you could hire private investigators? there'd be no issue. you know who married his cousin? (instructional and confrontational) Einstein. well, second cousin. who knows what Cheryl could be? first, second, third? it doesn't matter! (cocky)
its so clear you're enamored with her! he lifts his coffee cup up to his face and lowers it, as his talking interferes with the action. god damn it, why does it have to be her? he slams the cup and coffee spills out. of all the girls on this earth son it has to be your cousin!
hey, we don't know if she is or isn't yet. if she isn't do you promise to get off my back? (apologetic almost)
not if you're gonna be a little cocky sonofabitch about it. (aggressive)
OK, dad, come on, let's relax.
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