Monday, May 9, 2011

Wow, what a show.

In the past two weeks I've been dealing with the
*Crisis of writing a research paper on something I'm not really interested in anymore
*Trying to excommunicate an ex-friend who has been harassing me and my crew, and potentially my girlfriend.
*Starting to get into art and painting again to sooth my soul
*Cooking and having people over (which I haven't been able to do at my old residence)
*Enjoying the day
*Trying to lower my T-mobile bill and realize that if I want to access email from my phone I'll need to use and KEEP my $79/mo plan...helplessly addicted to my blackberry...anyway

So it's been pretty swell. It capped off with a beautiful Sunday too. I got up at noon, went to walmart to get a new inhaler, spent the next 3-4 hours cooking chicken, rice, beans, onions, tomatoes, and peppers into a number of separate dishes that can be brought together scrumtiously with a flour tortilla. We invited a friend over and the three of us (my ladyfriend included) had a lovely time. I endured a minor trauma in the process, as it was mother's day and I was inviting people to come over within the next 30 minutes. S & B, and the rest of the kids in the new house, couldn't make it. Damn. I even tried inviting a few classmates I hang out with and they were all busy. People kept saying they had too much homework to come over for an hour for free amazing food. Kind of painful. I even went so far as inviting my ladyfriend's roommates (including a boyfriend who is rather annoying and ever-present in her apartment, yet nice) and A said she was "too busy" with homework. I'm gonna call out this bitch on it next time I see her. It's less than a 10 minute walk to my place. She always has me over and occasionally cooks B grade food for me, but wouldn't come to my lovely new house. Ah, well. 1st world problem. This isn't something I've complained about before. In fact, I feel kind of silly about was a bit like a Curb your Enthusiasm episode.

Later on, J and I struggled to find our friend's house for an event (in her bathroom) that it turned out I would be performing for (!!!). I didn't realize I was booked and almost ducked out it. But I wrote some notes to myself to prepare and put on some nice clothes, which I'm still wearing. We drove. The house turned out to be on the east side of town, rather than the west, but everything is pretty close together in this city, so it came together.

The house was ragged and trashed. There was a homogenous blend of the new tenant's possession's with the former tenants' which I found to be unruly. Yet more and more people were arriving and I realized that J & I were probably the only one who found the house to trashed. It seemed as if the former tenants had strewn out their belongings against the walls, leaving emaciated walkways between rooms.

Old cabinets, microphone stands, aging banana-painted drawers, various mugs from Minnesota, a teapot from the East, beer cases full of trash and wrappers and peels, cannisters of paprika, epsom salts, black pepper, curry seasonings, green and red bouillon cubes, cat trees rooted to the carpeting, stains of cat urine alongside them, a mateless sneaker, a coverless vent nestled under floorboards, and an upturned boxspring.

Anyway, the most important thing that went down is that I performed! Before I went on I told a hippie guy to play the oven tray at the 30 second mark. That was a good idea. I started off emphasizing the ideas of love and lust as the "big questions" we have to face in our lives, but that they're not really as immense as we're socialized to consider them in our literature and media (I didn't say that though). I just talked about how I fell in love with my astrologer and then my second cousin in Canada and ended that I found these loves to be a farce as they were unrequited, elderly, and ultimately, incestial. I kept my spiel to a beat, as J told me afterwards. I got a few good laughs and it was a hit.

I'd like to do more of this in the future. Some things I could discuss, as far as humorous anecdotes as cultural stories are, the downfall of society within the office space (need to write about this one more) the importance of travel for one's development...i'm not sure. i hope i can find more funny things to talk about. i'm sure there are many stories within me that are worth telling.

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