Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Anyone ever been to the food bank? Anyone ever see who else is in line at the food bank, and then suddenly feel guilty for going to the food bank? I was usually picked last or second-to-last in high school and middle school sports. Softball, last. Basketball, definitely last. Football, second to last (i could run when i had to or when i was scared) It was worse when we weren't divided by gender. I made the switch from briefs to boxers when other schmucks began paying attention. It was kind of weird at first, like shaving your pubes, there's suddenly more air molecules orbiting around your junk. It's kind of nice, though. They were silk but that meant more random boners in class. This was harder because it was earlier in my development, before I learned that you can tuck your erect penis behind your belt and toss your shirt over it. I don't know what I would do if I was in a situation where I'd have to tuck my shirt in. I'm glad my parents had all their money tied up on visa cards and couldn't send me to private school. There are other reasons I'm glad my parents were functionally poor, poor enough so that I didn't have to go to private school, but employable enough to not be white trash. The only thing my parents had in common was liking the Beatles. But, now, after saying that outloud, I feel like that's not much of an achievement for people born in the 1950s. Who doesn't like the Beatles? Trolls, mallgoths, and hecklers. I included hecklers to make it sound like I do this a lot. Mallgoth chicks are kind of hot. But we don't have much of a mallgoth scene here. I used to listen to Cradle of Filth and fantasize about a chick sucking my wrists slicing my dick and tattooing her tits while she's licking my asshole on meth while we listened to a grown man bellow like Satan with a mouth full of marbles about the whores of Babylon to guitars being broken. This never happened to me. I wrote poetry about it, though. GF missionary normal normal normal normal we're always doesn't matter what people think of you everything depends on what people think of you! Pants in school, leopard print boxers Voting. I'm pro-drugs, there are times in life where I think everyone should get high and re-evaluate what the fuck their doing. Never before in US history, i would argue, has there been more congressional gridlock. I sort of grew up listneing to my dad falling asleep in front of Keith Olbermann and therefoer think most republicans have a few screws loose. But my dad is a liberal nut, too, so that makes me kind of jaded. But whenver I hear about nothing getting done in congress I think we should release marijuana fumes into the house of representatives. ron paul: eliminate the fed, eliminate income tax, eliminate the jews republicans: let's settle for a litte less