Tuesday, January 25, 2011

i am here

the bit of ephedrine i took this morning certainly roused me, woke me, took me to school on top, but now it's making me a bit tweaky. i'll have to pipe down in language class if I don't want to look like a fool. after class I'll need to get to that paper, but there isn't much I need to really write, I must simply pull quotes and examples from Mr. Turgenev's and Mr. Gogol's work. Russian literature is nice. I suppose this may jeopardize my identity, but at this point, I don't really care. I am so happy to have a record of all these miserable, fleeting thoughts that make me proud to be human, thankful to be alive. I want to live to be 100 so I can witness all the changes in our society. Someone asked me what AutoTune would be considered three hundred years from now and I had more trouble grasping the idea of three hundred years from now than the rest of his question and couldn't offer a decent answer. three hundred years ago we had slavery in the americas, serfdom abroad, a time before nationalism, with just romanticism flourishing in europe, attempting to rear its head in russia, typhus, TB, syphilis, prostitution and opium wars, but still a nascent beauty that lingers today in the countryside, untouched by industry.

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