Wednesday, June 3, 2009

money provides comfort, power, control

So I should be making more of it. I'm still uninsured and need to see an allergy specialist, I might have a dairy allergy, milk (lactose) might be creating these balls of mucous that appear in my throat. I know, gross huh? it really sucks though but since my asthma is under control I can only classify anything else as a minor annoyance. I could buy some soy milk like a hippie. I need to work more hours to make more money. School is almost out for now. I need to know how much university will cost me, it bothers me so much because my father is still unsure of his own financial situation, and he sort of comes first. If I don't get into an apartment I don't know where I will live. Or how I will afford it. But an education takes priority, right?

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