Sunday, March 29, 2009

philosophy and nothing

So anxious. I'm afraid to pick up the phone, so I feel I must publish my feelings here. I hope that doesn't bother anyone.
I'm kind of interested in Ayn Rand's "The Ethics of Emergencies", it's quite self-empowering. It's a short part of a book that describes why ethical egoism is bad compared to altruism. I found it interesting because it goes against the grain. She articulates well that people feel compelled to act in an altruistic manner, but are unaware of the moral framework behind this behavior.
Isn't caffeine known to make anxious people more anxious? Oh well. It does other things that are important.
I'm afraid to deal with customer service phone calls, and have and will keep procrastinating before I'm ready to deal with it. I don't think I'll ever be ready. This is sad. I'm gonna call my phone company later today.

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