Thursday, May 14, 2009


Deadlines woosh like in that book...Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Well, I can see them before they hit usually. But there are some deadlines that if breached, will seriously affect the course of my life.
What happens if I don't go? I will still be living here. So...won't I still be seeing the same people/lack of other people? That's exactly right. But just in case I don't go, should I have a back up plan? I could live with my grandfather and his caregiver. That would probably suck though. Where else could I live? Tara and Randy? The Roceretas? I would be stuck with the car living here. Ugh. I believe that the less one prepares himself in secondary school, the fewer options he or she will have once they are out. I did not think or care, and am stuck with few. I know I will incur debt. I know there are those that can help me, fortunately. I must go.

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